Bootstrap XML is an XML implementation of Bootstrap v4.5 making bootstrap into an XML markup library.
The project consists of two parts:
XML.js is a full-blown JavaScript library for cross-browser XML making it easy to work with XML on the web. The library includes AJAX for sending and receiving data and methods for converting XML to JSON and JSON to XML.
The library has more then 150 methods and properties making it an abundant collection of features for easy XML frontend development. The project includes more than 250 unit tests for continous evaluation as new versions of browsers are released.
Not the least, the project is fully documented with extensive sample code. Actually, the sample code is the ones being tested by the unit tests.
SQML is an XML implementation of SQL making SQL into XML markup.
The project includes two parts:
In the time to come more stylesheets will be developed for other database system making SQML suited for systems requiring cross database compatibility.